@saturnin (by the way, "Saturnin" by Zden?k Jirotka is my favorite book :-)
As always with calibration, we have a terminology problem as well as freedom / economy problem ...
End user 99.999 % of the time cannot make adjustments of 6.5 digit meters that will not make it worse than it was.
Third party accredited labs can. Fact that Rigol didn't publish adjustment procedure publicly is annoying. It impedes my freedom. I don't like it.
But instruments like DM3068 don't go out of calibration that easy.. Adjustments are only needed after many years (if any) or after damage/repair. Some users don't want meters to adjusted at all.. THey just send them on regular calibration checks, keep history, and mathematically correct measurement results..
In case of repair, where would you send your Keysight meter? I would send it to Keysight anyways.. In Croatia we have a proverb: " If it cries, give a child to it's mother.. She'll know what to do.." It is usually a good advice..
I would have huge problem if Rigol would monopolize things and then tried to charge me 1000€ for calibration check... But they don't, prices I was sent were very good.
So while in theory, my freedom of choice is taken away from me, in practice I couldn't care less...Freedom of choice in business is all about not paying too much and power to negotiate for a good price for the service or product you need...
If price is OK in the first place no need to negotiate... Actually, I really don't like to haggle with salesmen...
Situation is what it is, right now. It is not ideal, but acceptable. If that changes to worse, i will deal with it accordingly.. But I don't think they will worsen their customer support. If anything, Rigol, Siglent and other Chinese manufacturers are demonstrating they are learning very, very fast...
As a side note, I will be sending my DM3068 for a ISO calibration at Rigol in months to come, and will document the experience and share it with forum, from customer experience, process, to results and documentation.
I'm also curious how will it go, I guess we will find out.