As a review, the 3456A can do stats, and then you can retrieve the mean and variance and number of measurements performed. If i do a square root on the variance and divide the result by the mean, I should derive a result that I can convert to ppm.
You can convert anything you like to ppm, but what are you trying to accomplish? If you are trying to estimate the deviation of the voltage reference from a true value, you either need a second source with a known value and uncertainty or a calibrated meter. Now while the 3456a are amazing instruments (I'm a proud owner myself), they are long time obsolete and I doubt there are many around which are calibrated. Strictly speaking, having multiple uncalibrated meters doesn't get you any further in determining the true value of a source.
If you just want to determine the temperature coefficient of the reference then you don't need accurate measurements, just sufficiently precise ones. The TC can be stated as ppm/K (typically some average or maximum around a given ambient temperature), no need to bother with the variance. The variance is a indication of the quality of your measurement rather. If the temperature is constant, then a high variance would be the result of noise (in the meter itself or from the source).
BTW: I got a cheap ad584jq module and put it into a small self-regulating oven using a TL431 and a NTC much like -- the temperature remains at ~34degree C (a tad low perhaps, but so far has been sufficient) +/- <0.5K and the TC (to ambient) of the output voltage is about 2ppm/K. This was just a quick hack, I'm not particularly good with the soldering iron and could have put more effort into thermal insulation, but I'm quite happy with the result already. In fact, the TC (to ambient) above is the combination of the TC of the ovenized reference and of my 3456a (and the little peltier elements along the path between them).