Expect cheap eBay hardware to come with software that actually works? That is a tall order. You could use something that implements a CDC (RS-232-like) interface. I imagine you can easily open serial ports in VBA. I might grab a bus pirate with a BME280, but that is not exactly the most elegant solution

. At least both the bus pirate and the BME280 are well documented.
I am not familiar with hardware access in VBA (I have only used it for automating applications). Can you import arbitrary DLLs? Then an FT232 in I2C mode using
the FTDI D2XX driver together with I2C sensors might be an option.
If you want something turnkey, then I would go for the more reputable brands, not random eBay sensors. Sorry, no direct experience, I just stuck a BME280 breakout board on the BBB's GPIO header
