Electronics > Metrology

Thermal enclosure for measurement stuff

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Im considering the use of a 19" network cabinet (+ PID-temperature-controlling of the interior and added insulation) for my voltnutting measurement setup: E34465A, reference box, ADC/DAC-box and son on, since my room-temperature isnt really stable and me fingering around the setup isnt really helpful for temperature-stabilizing of the components. Also all of the measurement can be done via GPIB from the outside. Does anybody here use the same approach and can give helpful hints or is this idea not worth following?

Maybe theres also a better solution, for example a small glassdoor-refrigerator with an already excellent insulation were the interior is heated to, say, 25°C.   :-/O


--- Quote from: Echo88 on October 14, 2016, 04:03:19 pm ---Maybe theres also a better solution, for example a small glassdoor-refrigerator with an already excellent insulation were the interior is heated to, say, 25°C.   :-/O
--- End quote ---


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I just use a meat shipping box, with another box inside with some more foam.   Resistor, fan and RTD controlled by the PC.  I have never had a good way to cool.   

Unless you have a high power device inside there is limited value in having active cooling. When going below room temperature the relative humidity will go up - so unless you have a very dry environment this can cause trouble with condensation. So you would also need humidity control (some kind of absorber at least). Already going above some 60% RH can cause surface leakage to increase. So the slightly higher and thus dryer conditions inside the instruments also have an positive side.

For temperatures slightly a above room temperature it's more like a heater and a temperature controlled fan at the outside to bypass insulation.

The wine cooler still could be good as it has the window and insulation.

I recently aquired a Acopino BC-48 wine cooler, at 21 °C room temp it reaches 11°C after about 2h and stays at 11°C when no heat load is in the cooler. The attached curve shows the 34465A as a heat load inside the box, while the cooling function is deactivated -> temp stabilizes after a few hours at 31°C. After that i activated the cooling and the temp got down to 16,5°C with the 34465A acting as a heat load.

I will add a PID-controller and maybe a beefier peltier module, so that the box temperature will always stay at 25°C (room temp is seldom over 21°C, so the peltier acts most of the time as a heater) even in summer, when the indoor temp can reach 30°C.


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