I expect that AD generally treats any changes on any component following the Automotive rules, as their QA processes will not distinguish between the commercial and automotive business.
The companies have to invest some money and manpower to fulfill the automotive requirements. I don´t think they do it for all their parts.
They won´t have totally different QA processes but if you can cut corners without getting problems...
(In fact I assume it is the other way round: The consumer QA process is the baseline and then you put additional requirements on top of it if you have an automotive or military part.)
Are you also working @ Automotive?
Yes, for 15 years now. Are you in this area too?
Yes, since 29 years: First and shortly @ SQM for electronic parts in manufacturing, then in R&D, Component - Management, - Technologies, PCN, PTN, R&D processes, PLM, Maturity processes for components and products, Robust Design, and so forth.
Actually, the R&D assessment part of the ZVEI matrices were developed in my team, 20 years ago, and I'm still working on that PCN/PTN stuff.
Suppliers (Tier2's) usually stick to Automotive rules for all of their components, as soon as they deliver only one device to us.