I attached a picture of the setup I used to measure on the LTZ1000AHC.
The first version was a regular PCB with a couple of cheapo 1% resistor decades connected.
The second version is pictured.
- Eight 12 pos rotary switches for coarse setting of the five main resistors. Three spare rotary.
- One toggle switch for a low value "delta resistor" per coarse resistor. Typically value, 1% of the main resistor.
- A noise amplifier, AC coupled with a gain of 1000. Hardly used.
- Bottom side: 12 0.5% 25ppm thin film resistors per rotary switch, one resistor per toggle switch.
The small value toggle switch meant that the main resistor value could be changed by approximately 1%. The accuracy of the delta R would be 1/100*1/200 = 50ppm. The voltage changes would be in the order of 100-1000 times larger, ie 5000-50000 ppm. The voltage was read with a 7.5 digit LTZ1000 based dmm. As the transfer functions are quite linear (or even constant), I consider these to be quite feasible values.
The objective was to see if there where any sweet spots for resistor values. I was assuming the datasheet variation of output voltage, based on resistor variation, where uncertainties for the output. It turned out they where NOT, but actually dependencies, i.e. very predictable errors.
I re-did the measured two preliminary boards, once with the later, better, setup. In all, I used three different LTZ1000ACH. The measurements all show very similar results.
Bottom line: The output voltage changes, caused by variation of each resistor, is very predictable within limits!
i.e by monitoring / measuring the drift of resistor values it should be possible to predict the output voltage drift caused by the resistors (but of course not by the drift of the zener itself).
I never intended to do absolute voltage measurements. It would be meaningless as the LTZ1000AHC is rated 5% anyway.
I also did not intend to produce results down to the ultimate decimals. In the end, the resistor specs are uncertainties, ie not very predictable, unless you somehow map them individually and match them or correct the output of the circuit.