Another reason is likely that main customers for LTZ who buy it in thousands are likely already did many years of characterization and would not need model/update on datasheet anyway.
As of us, I do want to commit in own way to get details, by doing next:
* Build prototype boards to measure real data. Done, 5 boards built (3 x ACH, 2 x CH, LTC2057 on four of them, LT1097 on one).
* Burnin 1000 hours all boards. Done.
* Build preamp for noise measurement. In progress, schematics phase.
* Charaterize refs with temperature. Need define method. Have TEC and KI 2510, waiting CNC vendor to make enclosure metal box.
* Characterize voltage dependency. 24VDC to 8VDC power in 0.1V steps (KI 2400 SMU) - pending
* Build reference backplane with 10VDC, 2VDC and 20VDC output, both positive and negative. Idea stage
* Build 24bit DAC and 24bit ADC for datalog. In idea stage
* Capture realtime data and show online during 1 year period - testing frontend with javascript now
It should be both static data hosted on dedicated public site, where anyone can gather verified data and learn thru analysis, and where newcomers can get idea of whats current status of things, without reading 73 pages of forums. While as participants progress, we keep discussion using this forum as communication platfrom.
I get feeling that some of people would like to try LTZ for their fun, but after reading page or two here where talks about custom unobtanium resistors, they got carried away rather quickly.
P.s. as end result my vision is to have practical application how LTZ ref used to generate stable current like 10.00000mA standard or <1ppm DAC/ADC system. So I going forward to use my site as hosting for all findings/data already. Its own server, so its have no space/toolkit limitations. Trying to get ahold some javascript and python to make webpage where I can display measurement data realtime from LabView. (i am hardware guy, not software wizard