What is your amplifier setup? I'd like to join for this too. Also even for preliminary test i'd recommend having everything in cookie metal can to avoid airflows. Those can also cause big jumps.
Sorry, did not mention that. Have a look into my cookie box:
Without this you will have only 50Hz line frequency hum.
The noise amplifier in the background has its own aluminium case within the cookie box.
And also a thermal shielding of the pre-amplifier.
The LTZ carries its preliminary thermal shielding.
(also on the solder side of the PCB).
The setup actually shows heater noise voltage measurement.
Attached is the schematics of the filter amplifier.
The input electrolytics are selected for < 20
uA nA leakage current.
Caution you cannot connect a unbuffered LTZ reference to the low impedant input,
which is necessary to get a low current noise of the input stage.
(this will degrade the LTZ/introduce a large hysteresis because the heater setpoint is set to infinite temperature).
So you have to remove the jumper when attaching the voltage reference.
After 1-2 minutes when the input capacitors are charged you have to install the jumper for the measurement.
You need a oscilloscope with 2mV/div (or at least 5mV/div) sensitivity with DC coupling if you want to measure a LTZ.
Otherwise you will need a further amplification stage.
My suggestion would be to try a slightly higher current (e.g. test with a resistor in parallel to the 120 Ohms) - the zener diode might work better at a different current.
I will try this (I have a UPF 1K resistor with 2 ppm/K) but this would prove that the LTZ itself has a problem.
I fear that the popcorn noise is gone at the current working point and will re-appear at another. (eg over temperature).
So in this case I would opt to replace the LTZ.
it appears (or at least to me) when i tap around on parts i have soldered before, if it aid in the noise, it showed that i either did it wrong or the part is not good post soldering/warm-up, and that become my method of "checking". all the parts that show popping early or after warming, i threw away
. maybe the problem in your case could be similar ?
Also a idea at least worth a try.
But it might be difficult to tap on parts in a cookie box.
I will look how I can manage that.
In the mean time I tried to measure the noise on the heater voltage (J6 pin 12 = base of heater transistor).
AC-coupling by a 10uF foil capacitor to the 1Meg input of the scope.
10 kHz bandwith limit on the oscilloscope.
LTZ3 has larger heater noise
than LTZ5 (the one with popcorn noise at the output).
But most of the noise is from the oscilloscope.
With best regards
Edit: changed uA to nA