Electronics > Metrology
V-I Curve tracer / Component tester
Dear All,
Does anyone know is there available ready made connection box that can be utilized with Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator to test components in PCBA directly? So basically a box which has lead for waveform generator, leads for oscilloscope channel 1 & 2 and probes for DUT. Also needed internal connection and the 10ohm resistor. This setup is easy to build on breadboard to test leaded diodes etc. but not applicable for testing components on pcb..
Thank you
The sophisticated ready Made Box ist Sold as e.g. Huntron TR. 1000 and 2000 Models. Clones from CN are available too.
The poor man soltuion ist called Octopus circuit, Google gives an Impression. Soldering the 6 components and Put in Box: ist No Rocket sciencen
--- Quote from: andrewtaylor on January 25, 2025, 09:09:16 am ---The sophisticated ready Made Box ist Sold as e.g. Huntron TR. 1000 and 2000 Models. Clones from CN are available too.
The poor man soltuion ist called Octopus circuit, Google gives an Impression. Soldering the 6 components and Put in Box: ist No Rocket sciencen
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wow. Huntron Tracker 2000s are over 1K on ebay. for a thing with a CRT.
Hello Veketti,
--- Quote from: Veketti on January 25, 2025, 08:11:07 am ---Does anyone know is there available ready made connection box that can be utilized with Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator to test components in PCBA directly?
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Ready made no, but a schematic to build it as DIY device (see also the attached zip file) :
--- Quote from: Smokey on January 25, 2025, 09:16:43 am ---
--- Quote from: andrewtaylor on January 25, 2025, 09:09:16 am ---The sophisticated ready Made Box ist Sold as e.g. Huntron TR. 1000 and 2000 Models. Clones from CN are available too.
The poor man soltuion ist called Octopus circuit, Google gives an Impression. Soldering the 6 components and Put in Box: ist No Rocket sciencen
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wow. Huntron Tracker 2000s are over 1K on ebay. for a thing with a CRT.
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Yes, unfortunately, their price skyrocketed these last years. But there's a reason beyond the basic 'vintage' effect.
The CRT version is plainly able to display some weird but meaningful oscillations showing variable (multiple) traces intensities. Also, interesting discontinuities (e.g. tunnel diode) are clearly visible.
An LCD display device is just inadequate to show such singularities.
--- Quote from: timeandfrequency on January 25, 2025, 09:43:27 am ---...
An LCD display device is just inadequate to show such singularities.
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gotcha. and vinyl sounds better too, right? :)
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