" This system's internal 30 bits A to D converter continually monitors each reference zener. Each reference module contains its own non-volatile memory wich stores calibration and drift rate data."
This is something I've wondered about quite a bit. What does the A/D compare the A to in this configuration?
I mean, at its core an A/D only determines ratios.... "so much more" or "so much less" than V_ref.
But if you're measuring something that's *the most accurate* already... what's more accurate than that?
My guess is the A/D compares the zeners to one another -- in a bit of a kilogram divergence problem:
So can this make the reference more accurate? Is there some statistical magic or model for zener drift that helps divine the true value of the volt? (e.g. if they all drifted the same amount, how would you detect this?)