sadly find a good cal lab and do a full calibration period
don't try to cut like other previous suggestions of buying resistors and or references etc ... as they need to be certified ...
you get into an endless loop, do it once and cleanly ... alas prices are going nuts at some facilities
''certified'' to do what ? display a costly calibration certificate on the wall ? If you take time to read this forum there is a lot of diy calibration with valuable results
ISO 17025 is perhaps useful IF you have Quality requirements from your customer , a 6.5 digits is not rocket science and you write ''certified'' I use Vishay Alpha and other Vishay brand they are truly respectable in tolerance and value.
PDVS2mini is also a respectable tool but there is other too .
Primary question is : Does the money I spend is useful regarding the goal I reach .
depends on what you do your work in ...... i work with certified stuff and i need certified equipment to do so, no playing around, they go on very expensive companies equipment(s)
I can do stuff myself if i want to, like many here ...
BUT there is a BUT if a client ask me for the equipment certifications / happened before i'm happy to show him that my stuff is certified, not played with ....
there is an huge difference with what you do yourself and what cal labs will do, and the reports they give to you and store in their database ...
you can cal a 3458 yourself if you want, but you need the same parts precision as keysight for the 10vdc and 10k resistor, lucky you this meter only needs theses 2
Not all works the same ...
i have spectrums, scopes, gens, meters etc ... do you need reliable and precise measurements or you'll always have some doubts ?
and lastly the @op bought an NOS meter, that's okay .. i would be confident 80% of the time BUT you do need to know where the meter "is" after many storage years, if the OP intend to use the meter for precision stuff, he need to know precisely if the meter is good or not, if he doesn't have any reference to put it against
that's up to him or all of us
as i wrote i had 3 of them, one fully recapped, new vfd. this one was calibrated, the others 2 (with some repairs) where put against it to see if they where ok, and they where ok
you need some references at some point ... or get yourself some fluke calibrators loll and you'll shell a lot more $$$ loll