Electronics > Metrology

Yokogawa 7651 Programmable DC Source

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I have one of those 7651 DC Sources with bad transformer so if anybody out there has one for parts I would be very much interested.
But my question is about memory card for those Yokogawa meters.
How does the connector look like.
I’ve got a card with one of the meters I’ve bought long time ago but it doesn’t look right

It should be yokogawa 3789 card. It has 1 row female connector.

Yes, that card does not look right. Here is the picture of the connector.

So, yes, the card the pictures of I've posted is definitely not the correct one. They are very hard to come about. I've managed to acquiree two of them since. The batteries were dead though... still need to replace them.
I would be interested in some pictures with modification to the pinout so the cards with larger capacity could be used.

To use higher capacity card it is not necessary to modify the card, one can just ground pins on the meter connector that are connected to extra address lines. When left floating, the memory capacity detection is unreliable. In principle one could also modify the card by adding a tiny switch to enable use of different memory segments.


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