Electronics > Microcontrollers

$0.25 HK32F030M - Cortex-M0, 32MHz, 16KB flash, 2KB RAM (Actually 4KB!)

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--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on June 30, 2023, 07:13:51 pm ---I will make a new thread for the PY32F002A when I start tinkering with - so should you with the Twen32 lol.

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Roger that on the TWen32F003

May i ask why you didn't select the PY32F003 either in 6 (32K/4K) or 8 (64K/8K) - F003 is dual uart too
They even seem cheaper at LCSC.

Would you consider making a board for the F003 ...
I am "lousy" at PCB's

--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on June 30, 2023, 07:13:51 pm ---Puta ISP worked beautifully, gotcthe leds working in no time thanks to the existing example projects.

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Do you have a link for that PUYA ISP ?
Does it run under linux ?



--- Quote from: bingo600 on July 01, 2023, 06:51:52 am ---Would you consider making a board for the F003 ...

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Actually the PY32F002 is the same. 2x SPI, 2x UART, PLL (48MHz), 4/32KB ... a great deal for 11 cents!
Otherwise, I'm not interested in the PY32F003/PY32F030, I can get a STM32 for a similar price.

Edit: PY32F002 stuff moved here:


--- Quote from: PCB.Wiz on June 23, 2023, 04:33:03 am ---
--- Quote from: man_anyone on June 23, 2023, 03:56:46 am ---Can you please test the HK32F030M on 5V?

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I notice the HK32F030 links have all ceased to work on lcsc ?

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Yeah, I noticed too! Also other parts I bough on my last order completely evaporated.
This is f** nuts, now I can't view the datasheet anymore!
Lesson learned: Download them before ordering!  |O

I've found an interesting spreadsheet regarding the IO mapping of the HK32F030M so i attached the files for the joy of everybody.


 I buy HK32F030Mf6 from ali
I solder mcu on pcb board and connect only capacitor to Vcc and gnd pin. and connect jlink-ob (072) to cpu over swd (swdio and swdclk lines only)
but jlink not found cpu. jlink version 7.82f and 7.94 without addons for hk32

I mesure I=1.3mA only

 I found errors

Jlink-ob (072) work fine read and write data
If you do not erase or do not write RESET option bytes to default
I write following options bytes and after than works is fine

1FFF_F800   AA 55 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00  FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00

About hardware
minimal need I place only 1 capacitor 4.7uF to Vcc and Gnd pins only


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