Electronics > Microcontrollers
$0.25 HK32F030M - Cortex-M0, 32MHz, 16KB flash, 2KB RAM (Actually 4KB!)
Connecting nRST might help.
I found HK_config
It is have Eng interface and manuals inside
HK_config use jlink for flashing and have user frendly option bites menu
--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on May 27, 2023, 01:54:57 am ---The only real issues were the f*** AWU EXTI line, and the f** AWU not working right away after programming (Requiring power cycling).
One was relatively easy, I already had read similar issues with other mcus not resetting all the periphery on reset signal, so I gave it a try... humm now AWU works!
The EXTI line was a different animal, I had to try every combination, tracing the issue, but in the end I got it!
--- End quote ---
Thanks for documenting your experiences on this. I ran into similar issues configuring EXTI on this, as well as resets not resetting peripherals properly and/or peripherals not behaving as their register values seem to indicate after a reset. Adding a 'periph_DeInit(...);' before the 'periph_Init(...);' seems to help. TIM1 suffers from this - it doesn't correctly initialize PWM polarity across resets. Sometimes you get noninverting polarity, sometimes it's inverted. Seems random, or at least related to whatever mode it was in before the reset. I'd assumed it was a power supply stability thing or maybe an oscillator stability thing, because adding a delay to system startup before enabling the peripheral clocks and bringing them up seemed to help.
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