Electronics > Microcontrollers

32F769 starting pains



Is there an idiot's guide to configuring / selecting peripherals ADC, DAC, I/O lines etc.

Looking at the data sheet the component is quite complex hence the question.

There is also the issue of I/O timing if I understand things correctly. A new concept to me.
Why couldn't they have used their complexity for niceness.


installed... and now for the gnashing of teeth

Are you introducing stm32 with a F7 series?
It'll be quite large pill to swallow!

Based on a quick scan the GPIO peripherals in the F769 are no different than what is in the F3 and F4 series.

The speed setting is comparable to drive strength in other MCU's and controls the steepness of the edges.

There is a lot available in the F7 series, but if you take it one part at a time it is not that hard and principles are the same as for the smaller devices.

Be aware of the clock enable and reset for the separate peripherals. These are found in the RCC peripheral and need to be controlled to make things work. If one wants to toggle an IO pin, make sure to enable the clock for the belonging IO peripheral.

Everything can be found in the datasheet and reference manual.


A lot of pages for sure, but way better than what is available for some of the MCU's from Chinese manufacturers like Allwinner, among others.


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