Electronics > Microcontrollers

68hv11 and 68hc811 Decompiling tool

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Can someone point me in the right direction for a good preferably free tool for the disassembly of (specifically 68HC11) and (maybe 68HC811) MCU's

I have tried some dos ones but they are hard to deal with I know a lot about the hardware locations so am hoping I can work out what's going on with this detail.

My ultimate goal is to create a decompiled version that will recompile if that's wasnt obvious, I am not generally hacking I want to add a few features and being 80's hardware the manufacture is long gone.

i used BUFALO directly on bloard, it is a good de-asm

which board do you have ?

No Board I only have the device and a home built simulator for the inputs, so All I have is the bon file of the External ROM.

I was hoping to try and disassemble the file and reassemble it to a working ROM.

have you tried this ?


--- Quote from: legacy on January 10, 2014, 06:32:09 pm ---have you tried this ?

--- End quote ---

No but it does not mention disassembling?


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