Hi, I can tell you that Kwikstik board is really good. I just got one last year, and although I havent had time to tinker with it, I saw some friend making really good stuff with it. I am really a newbie in electronics and microcontrollers, I must find time to learn with the kwikstik, but I have found there are some very interesting resources that maybe you would like to take a look at:
-Codewarrior 10.2 Is the lastest version of Freescale's debugger/compiler for must of all its MCUs. It is Eclipse based and, I havent had much time working on it but it has a lot of useful features. You can download the special edition which is free, and limited to 128kb for the K40 I think, and start coding.
http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=CW-MCU10] [url]http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=CW-MCU10[/url]
-Also if you go to Freescales webpage
www.freescale.com and type in the search box the word "kwikstik" you will find tons of useful resources, from labs, to datasheets and app notes, also some webinars. Probably they will be useful to you.
- Also here are some videotutorials in you on how to program the kwikstik, and its various peripherals, I am sure you will want to watch this videos, they are so good, I wish I had the time to go through them and learn all that :
https://www.youtube.com/user/emh203?feature=watch] [url]https://www.youtube.com/user/emh203?feature=watch[/url]
-And this page is also very very useful when learning with the Kinetis K40, I took me you dont know how much frustration and time to get to these resources, If you want to learn about it I am sure you will want to look at this, they are very interesting:
http://thefreescalecup.wikidot.com/ That FreeScale Cup is a competition Freescale makes in Universities and between universities in which students are given a "SmartCar" (thats how Freescale calls it) and they design a line following car with cameras and a lot of stuff. The webpage above is a very useful resource for those students, and I am sure that if you go through it you will be on your way to learn about ARM architectura and the K40.
-Also there is this page :
http://brtosblog.wordpress.com/ where a group of brazilians developed and RTOS for many architectures, and I had the chance to test it with the kwikstik because they have a release special for it, and it was so easy to load the RTOS to the kwikstik, that was the only interesting thing I could do with it, I didnt did anything more that download the RTOS from their page, downloaded it to the Kwikstik and see what I does. That RTOS is called BRTOS because of Brazilian RTOS.
That is what I can give to you. If you get into knowing this MCU, the architecture, how it works, how to program it and anything else, I really encourage you to share your knowledge with the community, via tutorials, programs, or anything else. You can really spend a lot lot lot of time only searching for some basic information about how to learn when you are a newbie like me, so I hope I might help you out a little, and save some frustration and time wondering how to start. I am sure if you look the places I told you, you will get to learn something. Probably in the future I will have some time to learn this too, right now I have only got prepared the resources to start hahaha