Electronics > Microcontrollers

"Tricks" to connect multiple push switches with minimum i/o usage.

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You could use some 74HS165 chips, costs you a few inputs but you then have unlimited button count possibilities.

My favorite solution has always been to use a separate MCU with no frills and gimmicks like a pic16f505. You can use a matrix for the keys and use internal values to produce a debouncing algorithm that acts to produce a threshold for the switches. you can then use a serial out interface and tell the master MCU which keys have been pressed and un-pressed.

Use a $3 pc keyboard and decode the serial stream. Strip the keys and use the matrix

Check this switch matrix out: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/AppNotes/01081a.pdf
Of course you can use it directly with a PIC.


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