Electronics > Microcontrollers
Actisafety A600 OBD2 HU Display
Mentioned Elsewhere is my moan about this device and the firmware biting me again (see my thread on om-126 obd reader being bricked with F/W )
Anyhoo, I have already made major Progress with the device and even have fixed the original one as well as having working code on the device.
These are my adventures to boldly go where no operator should , deep inside.
First is the Chip list
CPU: "Original" from supplier CSk32F103CB, currently STM32F103C8 sourced from black pill with original stm32 (as in it passes the test code and is not flagged gdm or csk) 8Mhz xtal+ RTC xtal
SPI Flash: 128Mbit QUAD SPI (see STM app note on SPI -> ram implementation , link to be added when i find it again)
SPI 1 ( PA4,5,6,7)
CAN: NXP TAJ 4010 https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/TJA1040.pdf
PB9 - TX
PB8 - RX
PA15 - STB/Enable
K-Line via transistor
LCD x2 : ILI9488 ->
D-IN - PB15
D-CLK - PB13
D-CS LCD1- PB12 (left Screen)
D-CS LCD2 - PB3 (right Screen)
D- DC/RS - PB14
D-BL - PB7
Speaker PB6 (pwm pin)
Button Left PB4 - Input Pull Low reset, pulled high by button
Button Right PB5
Button Middle PA0
Light Sensor ADC PB1
ATGM332d - gps has fast start and button cell backup
Connected to CPU Via
TX - PA9 - UART 1
RX - PA10 - UART 1
Unpopulated board castled adapter
Board Power:
2 x AAD 7533H
1 x AAD 7550H
There's still more pins to figure out like the ADC for input voltage,
Attached it main code and the bootloader, the CPU was protected at RDP 2 , no flash and no debug but fell pray to the DFU over flow bug where you keep asking the DEV_INFO param and it keeps reading the flash instead :-)
Oh the firmware is on http://www.actisafety.com/ , if the file does not down load from within the app then you can just edit the ini file and add .cn to the .com and it will work.
to download manual goto the japan site and the allow download of the bin file and also st-dfu demo to upload it to the device. Handy as they used ST code with known bugs in a clone device with hardened security against the IRQ vector overflow and the single read sploit it still falls victim to bugged firmware/software :-P
more to come,
p.s i didnt attached the full .dfu firmware file off 13mb , it's just logo's and fonts but link above you can manually get it. firmware file has no encryption but device will no longer boot if patched file is used, i've yet to figure that crc out from usb bootloader
Bootloader and flash backup from A500 +
I am also suffering from firmward update of ActiSafety A500.
I got the device from 2021. I just want to upgrade its firmware for fun, however, after flashing the firmware, it only remains in the DFU mode and does not start anymore.
I disassembly it and found out it uses CSK32F103CB.
Currently, I would like to use backup bootloaderA500 to flash it again.
Could you please teach me how to use your txt file to generate a DFU file for firmware flashing?
Thank you.
You will need external hardware to flash the bootloader, it's a Binary file that can be flashed via st-flash or similar SWD app (openocd example) , examples of swd based adapters are devices like st-link v2/3 , picoswd, picogbd , arduino with swd firmware etc.
the file a500_bootloader-.txt just need to be renamed to a500_bootloader.bin and then flashed.
I was trying to revert to an older firmware in Actisafety A401. The latest (2023) firmware could not connect with my car (i suppose a bug in it - I tried 3 brand new devices and none of them worked). I thought it is as simple as dumping firmware from older (2022) device using DfuSe and then writing it to a target device. So I dumped it, the dfu file was 16MB (16 777 525 bytes). On the A401 screen it reads "Flash Erase 16777216 Bytes". After the update it restarted in DFU mode (excerpt one thing: there is "Boot from App" instead of "Boot from key" at the top) and does not boot up. It is still possible to start it in DFU mode ("Boot from key") with "OK" button pressed. Seems to me like on the startup the bootloader can not start the firmware and gets stuck in DFU mode with "Boot from App" announcement.
This happened, before I found there are updater apps on Actisafety website.
Now I see DFU files for A401, used by updaters, are below 4MB. Flashing with these files does not help.
Is it bricked or there is some way to repair it without external hardware?
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