Electronics > Microcontrollers

adding H and L results together for ADC (AVR)

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I'm writing a little function so that I can easily get ADC results from the H and L register and straight into a single result. Is the following correct:

--- Code: ---uint16_t adc_result (void)
uint16_t result

result = (ADCH << 8) + ADCL;

return result;

--- End code ---

Just use ADC.

--- Code: --- while( ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC) );   // Wait until ADC conversion is complete.

    result = ADC;

--- End code ---


how do you mean just use ADC ? as far as i know there are no ADC libraries.......

My question is abut combining the two registers

Somewhere in the header files for every mcu there will be a statement like (iom328p.h)

--- Code: ---#define ADC     _SFR_MEM16(0x78)
#define ADCW    _SFR_MEM16(0x78)

--- End code ---

When you call ADC (16-bit), it will automatically serve you the combined content of the ADCH and ADCL registers.


ok, i sort of see it but lets assume I'm really dumb. I see no code there that adds two 8 bit registers together to form one 16 bit variable, just some #defines


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