so i played with a little arduino code before and got some examples twisted to do my bidding but im over my head here. im using lolin 32 lite and want it to let me enter a value in a webpage and output a voltage from the dac. ultimately it will generate a 2.4ghz signal going to a mixer but at this stage i just want to test how stable (or not) the output will be.
anyway i thought to try ai and it spewed this:
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
// Access Point credentials
const char* ssid = "vco";
const char* password = ""; // Use a strong password (minimum 8 characters)
// Web server running on port 80
WebServer server(80);
// HTML for the webpage
const char webpage[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DAC Control</title>
body { font-family: Arial; text-align: center; margin-top: 50px; }
input { width: 80px; height: 30px; font-size: 16px; }
button { height: 35px; font-size: 16px; }
<h1>ESP32 DAC Control</h1>
<p>Enter a value (-255) to set the DAC output:</p>
<form action="/set" method="get">
<input type="number" name="value" min="" max="255" required>
<button type="submit">Set DAC</button>
// DAC output pin
const int dacPin = 25;
void handleRoot() {
server.send(200, "text/html", webpage);
void handleSetValue() {
if (server.hasArg("value")) {
int value = server.arg("value").toInt();
Serial.print("Received value: "); // Debug print
Serial.println(value); // Debug print
if (value >= && value <= 255) { // Corrected comparison
dacWrite(dacPin, value); // Write the value to the DAC pin
server.send(200, "text/plain", "DAC output set to " + String(value));
} else {
server.send(400, "text/plain", "Invalid value. Enter a number between and 255.");
} else {
server.send(400, "text/plain", "Value not provided.");
void setup() {
// Initialize serial for debugging
// Set up DAC pin
pinMode(dacPin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize WiFi in Access Point mode
WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);
Serial.println("Access Point started.");
Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
// Define web server routes
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/set", handleSetValue);
// Start the server
Serial.println("Web server started.");
void loop() {
// Handle incoming client requests
and it returned this:
/home/ide/Desktop/vco2/vco2.ino: In function 'void handleSetValue()':
vco2:46:15: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
46 | if (value >= && value <= 255) { // Corrected comparison
| ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~
vco2:46:22: error: label 'value' used but not defined
46 | if (value >= && value <= 255) { // Corrected comparison
| ^~~~~
exit status 1
ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
this was the best it could do. the webserver part actually works, but no peanut for the rest.
so any ideas what i need to do? or just slate me for trying to let a computer do the work.
im old btw, and used to learn quite well in the days gone by crashing games and playing with the code. if i see the code as it is supposed to be i can usually work out what bits to edit
edit btw i do have the code running by commenting out the offensive idiot check lines, which are not really needed, i just want to know how they SHOULD be formatted if they were to work.