I'm trying to assemble a PIC asm file written by someone else. Trouble is, it is a few years old and so, no doubt, there have been a lot of changes in the Microchip assembler since then.
With the various org statements I am assuming it is written for absolute code generation as opposed to relocatable code. The errors I am getting are mainly like this:
Error[118] E:\MPLAB_NEW\CC_DECODER\CC\CC.ASM 424 : Overwriting previous address contents (0020)
Now, I notice that the RAM locations are reserved using instructions like this:
count: res 1 ; general purpose counter
with RAM origin previously set to 0020
What looks like happening is that the assember is interpreting this as reserving program space memory and thus I'm seeing this address duplication.
What is the easiest way of getting around this?
Code is attached.