Electronics > Microcontrollers

ATMEGA 328P Crystal pf

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--- Quote ---I'm not sure what crystal I need,  I'm Running a ATMEGA 328p with 22pf capacitors
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Properly, one picks a crystal based on accuracy, cost, size, and etc, and then calculates the capacitors needed for that particular crystal.  Picking the caps first and asking which crystal to get is backward.

That said, nearly any parallel-resonant crystal will "work" in the arduino circuit.


--- Quote from: linux-works on May 07, 2014, 03:55:14 pm ---yes, I wrote back and was able to return them.

I took a photo of the fake trimmers, for example.  it was hilarious!  every conceivable faked name you could think of.   we had quite a laugh about it on some other forums...

of course, there is only one BOURNS, and the others were clearly intended to look like the B-brand but I wanted no part of that BS.

they were advertised as bourns brand and yet I got a mix of good and not-so-good stuff in that order.
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They do not appear to be advertised as Bourns. Never seen them advertised as such. Revise your expectations.

--- Quote ---the ic sockets I ordered had plastic that would melt if you soldered to the pins.  same with pin headers.
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You're too slow. I use plenty of their sockets and headers, they work fine. No, they're not expensive gold plated fairy-dust parts, but they work.

--- Quote ---I forgot what else I ordered but it was ALL junk and fakes.  I have zero trust in that vendor after that.

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Can't be fake if it doesn't claim to be 'real'.

I really think you were expecting too much.

I'm too slow?  you've seen me solder?  you know my ability, do you?


go ahead and think that.

but that seller sells JUNK and I know my parts quality, thankyouverymuch.


--- Quote from: linux-works on May 08, 2014, 02:12:53 am ---I'm too slow?  you've seen me solder?  you know my ability, do you?


go ahead and think that.
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If you're managing to melt the same parts I have no problems with.. yes!

--- Quote ---but that seller sells JUNK and I know my parts quality, thankyouverymuch.

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Yes, they do sell some junk. They also sell some perfectly good, genuine, branded components.

Your expectations. Revise them. You are not going to get expensive Bourns trimpots from a hobby distributor in Thailand!

(I think I've been buying cheap sockets in general, forever.  Most of them will melt if I'm not "quick."  I guess I HAVE seen SOME less melt-y varieties, but they've been clearly in the "they want HOW MUCH for a SOCKET?!" category...)


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