Hi all,
I have a custom PCB, a sensor board with the atmega128rfa1 chip.
- Here is the schematic for the relavent sections:
https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rdhz075xxfbq72k/ovAlert-rev00.pdf?dl=1- This is a set of traces around the reset, and a trace from a good JTAG ID with the same tool (but different micro):
http://imgur.com/a/4rhff- The micro/rf layout is virtually copied from the atmega128rfa RCB design:
http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8339.pdfThe atmega128rfa1 has the radio in-package and internal vreg running at 1.8v with i/o pins able to range to 3.6v.
When I apply power the NRST line goes high, indicating the chip is out of reset. Great!
But when I use atmel's Dragon to read the JTAG data appears on the line and the TDO toggles, but immediately at the end of reading the jtag id the device goes into reset (NRST -> low). The tool reports a partially correct JTAG ID with the last byte random bits. Seemingly so close to working and very frustrating.
I am suspicious this is a power issue as I am a software dude and weak on that aspect of design. I also used "tanceram" capacitors by the power supply instead of tantalum called for in the reference design. I thought I could test that this may have been the problem by putting a 47uf tantalum between the vdd and gnd near the avr but it was the same behaviour. There is a 200ma vreg to power the chip with 47uf caps on either side (datasheet suggested min 10uf). The RCB ref design also has 200ma power so I thought it would be ok. I have no way of measuring the current accurately right now, so I have no idea if there is a spike in it.
Can anyone with more PCB experience see anything I may have missed?
What sort of things might I try to further illuminate my problem??
Any help *very much* appreciated, thanks.
- Matt