Author Topic: AVR- Reading Fuses through pymcuprog  (Read 679 times)

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Offline sanka1pTopic starter

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AVR- Reading Fuses through pymcuprog
« on: November 04, 2024, 03:14:38 pm »
Hi All,

I am flashing Firmware on my Atmega1608 using pymcuprog. When I read the flash after programming, I can see that the hex file is there, but the Fuses are not being changed i.e all the fuse bits have default values. My question is what is the command to change specific fuse bits in pymcuprog? I am able to read fuses, but need help with command to change the fuse bits. I do set the fuse bits in my main firmware, but that doesn't seem to work.
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Offline westfw

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Re: AVR- Reading Fuses through pymcuprog
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2024, 09:03:23 pm »
Note that many AVR build procedures do not include the fuse information when they generate .hex files (using avr-objcopy.)
AFAICT, if your .hex file has fuse information at "address" 0x820000, then pymcuprog should be programming them, and they can also be programmed manually with a command like:

Code: [Select]
        Write fuse byte 1 to 0xE0 on a kit:
        - pymcuprog write -m fuses -o 1 -l 0xE0

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