Although suggested by several people, I personally always found the K&R book very difficult to start from a beginner's perspective.
When I was trying to learn C (15+ years ago) the way that Herbert Schildt wrote made a lot more sense to me. I used Herbert Schildt's
C: The complete reference and the old Borland C's printed manuals. The printed manuals are a thing of the past, but the book can still be found to purchase after all these years.
He has another book that may also be interesting called
Teach yourself C, although I never used it - again, his style of writing was what helped me.
Regarding the IDE, my take is that most (if not all) of them have common basic concepts:
- the arrangement of screens: menu bar at the top, projects on the left, source code in the middle, console output at the bottom;
- most (if not all) of them work as an interface between the graphical world and a hard, command-line compiler / assembler / linker.
- the concept of projects: a directory or file that builds an executable (or even a library) and can hold multiple source code files written in multiple languages (assembly, C and C++ are most common for MCUs);
- also, each project allows to graphically set assembler, compiler and linker options (even with a help or descriptions of each option) and allows to perform a build of the project with a single click;
- most of them nowadays have a way of debugging the project with a single click as well - however, in my experience that is what changes the most across IDEs.
I've been using IDEs since the glorious Borland's Turbo C and these concepts haven't changed much since them. My personal opinion is that the IDEs of today come with such a set of example code and projects that really helps ramping up on its functionality - note that it is hard to learn C or a device this way, but at least gives a head start to compare why your code does not work and why theirs do...