I used it too around 20-25 years ago. It was the only PIC16 C compiler with floating point, or at least one that wasn’t horrendously expensive.
I also used the PIC18 version around the same time frame. ISTR that you had to manually organise your RAM banks.
I moved to Microchip’s C18, and then was grandfathered into XC8 (based on Hi-Tech PICC & PICC18) which covers both PIC16 & PIC18, so haven’t had any need for CC5X or CC8E since.
Unless there’s a particular reason not to, XC8 is the way to go these days IMHO. Oh, and a newer PIC, although you won’t find a pin compatible one with a PIC16F88. Microchip have standardised on pinouts for PIC16 for over 15 years.