Electronics > Microcontrollers

Code protect (not)

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maybe competition, or this protection stuff. maybe long time ago, the scenario is... "you build oscilloscope and i build a circuit, i buy your oscilloscope, someone else will buy my circuit", but now the scenario is "you build oscilloscope, i build oscilloscope too! you give me schematic, i'll make it better and sell my oscilloscope better than yours".


--- Quote from: Wim_L on April 07, 2011, 09:40:30 pm ---Not that it would do you much good if all you see on the schematics is a set of boxes representing custom ICs...
--- End quote ---
What custom ICs?

I've never opened a Rigol up but  by all accounts the components seem to be pretty standard.

maybe they mean FPGA's ? you welcome to look in mine any day

That's why I said the manual should contain both the schematics and source for firmware. I knew a schematic on its own would be pretty useless.

Tony R:
I am a student now and i don't feel the need to code protect anything, however, if i was trying to make money on my project then yes i probably would, but as for now im trying to make good grades on them.


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