I have some results. Using a table of packed second differences to generate the sine table resulted in some code size reduction. Compiled for an 8051, I wrote the unpacking routine in assembly and changed the table of second differences from long to int. It takes 108 bytes of code memory to initialize the table in expanded RAM. Here is the program:
#define TSIZE 91
const int pack_diff2[18] = {
0x1288, 0x248a, 0x2492, 0x285b, 0x44db, 0x2aa3,
0x4724, 0x58ec, 0x5af3, 0x4d2c, 0x5b6d, 0x5bad,
0x5bb5, 0x5d76, 0x5db6, 0x7b7e, 0x5f76, 0x0bef
xdata unsigned int sin_table[TSIZE];
void expand_table (void) _naked
mov r4, #18 ; loop counter 1
mov dptr, #_pack_diff2
MOV P2, #(_sin_table/0x100) ; Use _EMI0CN in C8051F38x instead
MOV R0,#(_sin_table%0x100)
; First entry in table is zero thanks to crt0 (skip setting it to zero)
;clr a
;movx @R0, a
;inc R0
;movx @R0, a
;dec R0
; Initialize first D1
mov r2, #(285%0x100)
mov r3, #(285/0x100)
; Get packed 3-bit D2 x 5 from compressed table. Store in [r7,r6]
clr a
movc a, @a+dptr
mov r6, a
inc dptr
clr a
movc a, @a+dptr
mov r7, a
inc dptr
mov r5, #5 ; loop counter 2
; add d1 to previous value and save in xram table
mov a, r0
add a,#2
mov r1, a
movx a, @R0
add a, r2
movx @r1, a
inc R0
inc r1
movx a, @R0
addc a, r3
movx @r1, a
inc r0
; d1=d1+1-(d2&0x7);
mov a, r6
anl a, #7
mov r1, a
clr c
mov a, r2
subb a, r1
mov r2, a
mov a, r3
subb a, #0
mov r3, a
inc r2
cjne r2, #0, L3
inc r3
; Shift compressed D2 x 5 3-bits right:
mov r1, #3
mov a, r7
rrc a
mov r7, a
mov a, r6
rrc a
mov r6, a
djnz r1, L4
djnz r5, L2
djnz r4, L1
void main (void)
The program with the whole table uses 183 bytes of code memory (there is an extra 'ret' instruction that takes one byte added to the main program):
#define WORD short int
#define TSIZE 91
const WORD sin_table[TSIZE] ={
0, 285, 571, 857, 1142, 1427, 1712, 1996, 2280, 2563,
2845, 3126, 3406, 3685, 3963, 4240, 4516, 4790, 5062, 5334,
5603, 5871, 6137, 6401, 6663, 6924, 7182, 7438, 7691, 7943,
8191, 8438, 8682, 8923, 9161, 9397, 9630, 9860, 10086, 10310,
10531, 10748, 10963, 11173, 11381, 11585, 11785, 11982, 12175, 12365,
12550, 12732, 12910, 13084, 13254, 13420, 13582, 13740, 13894, 14043,
14188, 14329, 14466, 14598, 14725, 14848, 14967, 15081, 15190, 15295,
15395, 15491, 15582, 15668, 15749, 15825, 15897, 15964, 16025, 16082,
16135, 16182, 16224, 16261, 16294, 16321, 16344, 16361, 16374, 16381,
void main (void)
Using a table of second differences to generate the sine table saves 75 bytes of code memory in the 8051.