Ok, I did a bootloadable image that switches from the bootloader internal 48MHz IMO, to the bootloadable EXTCLK driven clock.
I also added this so you can measure the crystal freqency in P1[7] and half frequency at 50% duty cycle after passing via a d-flip-flop on P1[6], those are just next to a ground pin so it will be easy to probe without a lot of ringing with a ground wire and no ground lead on the probe.
It's still bootloadable so you can reprogram it, but without the crystal it's free running and actually I get some internal frequency driving the LED (looks like it runs at half intensity), with a 4MHz crystal is supposed to blink at 1 Hz
Weird thing is that without the crystal P1[6] outputs 15.75MHz meaning that internally it think EXTCLK is double that (31.5MHz) not sure why that is happening. P1[7] without a crystal shows just noise, but didnt' measure the frequency of the noise spikes. Edit: unsure now if this is P1[6] might be P1[7] but one of those definitely has a clock driving it even if both are supposed to be based on EXTCLK.
Edit: Not sure why I'm measuring 5 volts on the output either without the crystal in place. Maybe it routes the full VDD to the pin I measure it at. (Had it running for 10 minutes and the chip is ok with it so far) with no crystal, the crystall should bring that signal down to 3.3V (maybe since I don't have any load on that pin)
I'm attaching the project as well. should compile like the other one and you should be able to program it the same way.
Edit: The important thing here is that, if the on board LED blinks once a second with a 4MHz crystal, it's working as it's supposed to. If you want to try other crystals and you want me to change the parameters so it blinks at 1Hz let me know, I would assume that a 1MHz crystal will make it blink once every 4 seconds.