Hey Folks
I have a problem with the PIC16F616. I'm trying to drive a LDC Display (HD44780) in 4 Bit mode (To display temps, but nothing else than the display is connected yet.).
I noticed that the data on two of the lines were bad.. The high bits were only 400 us long, while they were 2 ms on the other two..
So, I tried changing different things, making sure ADC, timers, comparators were off etc. Nothing solved the problem, until I selected a different output pin on the MCU, then the data became fine..
I'm getting the same problem on the following pins: RA1,RA2, RC1-RC4.
It's the first time I use the 16F616, so I might have missed something.. I did try the same lcd driver on the PIC16F628a where it worked fine..
I guess its not the driver thats bad when it helps to select a different pin ?
Any ideas why this happens, only on some pins ?
Ask if you need more info, I know I didn't tell much, but don't really know where the problem comes from.. :/
I use the HI-Tech C compiler, and the following LCD Driver and C code..
(I've put in some delays to separate things a little)
C Code:
#include <htc.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _XTAL_FREQ
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
// CMCON = 0xff;
T1CON =0;
C1ON =0;
C2ON =0;
ADON =0;
TRISA= 0x00;
TRISC= 0x00;
// lcd_goto(0);
// lcd_puts("Random Shit");
// lcd_goto(0x40);
// lcd_puts("0101010");
* LCD interface example
* Uses routines from delay.c
* This code will interface to a standard LCD controller
* like the Hitachi HD44780. It uses it in 4 bit mode, with
* the hardware connected as follows (the standard 14 pin
* LCD connector is used):
* PORTB bits 0-3 are connected to the LCD data bits 4-7 (high nibble)
* PORTA bit 2 is connected to the LCD RS input (register select)
* PORTA bit 3 is connected to the LCD EN bit (enable)
* To use these routines, set up the port I/O (TRISA, TRISB) then
* call lcd_init(), then other routines as required.
* Copywrite Craig Lee 1998
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
#include <pic.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#define LCD_RS RC4 // Register select
#define LCD_EN RA4 // Enable
#define LCD_D4 RC1 // Data bits
#define LCD_D5 RA0 // Data bits
#define LCD_D6 RC5 // Data bits
#define LCD_D7 RA5 // Data bits
#define LCD_STROBE ((LCD_EN = 1),(__delay_us(200)),(LCD_EN=0))
/* write a byte to the LCD in 4 bit mode */
lcd_write(unsigned char c)
if(c & 0x80) LCD_D7=1; else LCD_D7=0;
if(c & 0x40) LCD_D6=1; else LCD_D6=0;
if(c & 0x20) LCD_D5=1; else LCD_D5=0;
if(c & 0x10) LCD_D4=1; else LCD_D4=0;
if(c & 0x08) LCD_D7=1; else LCD_D7=0;
if(c & 0x04) LCD_D6=1; else LCD_D6=0;
if(c & 0x02) LCD_D5=1; else LCD_D5=0;
if(c & 0x01) LCD_D4=1; else LCD_D4=0;
* Clear and home the LCD
LCD_RS = 0;
/* write a string of chars to the LCD */
lcd_puts(const char * s)
LCD_RS = 1; // write characters
while(*s) lcd_write(*s++);
/* write one character to the LCD */
lcd_putch(unsigned char c)
LCD_RS = 1; // write characters
* Go to the specified position
lcd_goto(unsigned char pos)
LCD_RS = 0;
lcd_write(0x80 + pos);
/* initialise the LCD - put into 4 bit mode */
LCD_RS = 0; // write control bytes
__delay_ms(15);// power on delay
LCD_D4 = 1; // init!
LCD_D5 = 1; //
LCD_STROBE; // init!
LCD_STROBE; // init!
LCD_D4 = 0; // set 4 bit mode
lcd_write(0x28);// 4 bit mode, 1/16 duty, 5x8 font, 2lines
lcd_write(0x0C);// display on
lcd_write(0x06);// entry mode advance cursor
lcd_write(0x01);// clear display and reset cursor
}Best regards