There are numerous reasons why you might wish to pay attention to the track lengths. However, that is just one of the outcomes of the underlying fundamental reason to get interested in that general topic.
In digital circuits there is a fuzzy line where the nice lumped objects turn into distributed ones and all kinds of new phenomena creep in. As far as PCBs are concerned, your nice digital pulses gradually turn into "swells" that travel to and fro in the conductors on the PCB - rather like a cross section of the surface of a restless swimming pool if you can picture that in your head.
Take the rising edge of a signal pulse. These always have 2 things associated with them: the rise time from the initial to the final state and the speed of signal propagation in the medium where the pulse travels. An example might illustrate: take a fast logic output rising from 0 to (say) 1 volt in 1 ns. On a typical outer layer track on FR4 substrate the leading edge of that signal would propagate some 180 mm before the trailing edge would leave the device output. So now the signal is distributed in the form of a rising swell over 180 mm of PCB track. To make matters worse, wherever there is a discontinuity in the track, or even a sharp bend, there will be reflections. All of those as well as the far end of the track cause reflections when/if the characteristic impedance of the track and the feature do not match. Radio amateurs are well aware of this in their pursuit of maximum energy transfer from the transmitter to the feeder cables, antenna and the ambient space. Same principles apply here, althoug in a different environment.
So, not only do you wish to match the length of the tracks (and not always to the same numerical length either), but also you will want to match the track characteristic impedance with those of the source and load, in order to avoid reflections.
If you look carefully at some commercial high speed circuits, such as can be found in computers, game consoles etc, you will see lots of tiny smd resistor arrays; these are used for bus termination / impedance matching. On a PCB the impedance matched transmission line almost always takes the form of a microstrip or stripline where well known formulas for strip dimensions exist for various configurations.
You will start to see ringing (multiple signal reflection from the trace endpoints) and overshoot after the trace length exceeds the so called round trip delay, i.e. the time the rising slope takes to travel there and back before the signal has fully risen. In the previous example that would be around 90 mm. These phenomena are simple in concept but a bit more complex to analyze mathematically. The factors impacting oversoot and ringing depend on path length but also on the input acceptance function, far end and near end reflection coefficients and the far end transmission function. In turn, all of those depend on the values of source, load and transmission line impedances.
I am not aware of any "101" or "... for Idiots" type of tutorial on the subject. On the other hand there are numerous texts in book form covering the topic form fundamentals to painful details. You are guaranteed to find the necessary information in one of those, but not without effort on your part.
One book comes to mind that i bought some time ago, recommended by a countryman on another forum. It is an older text but quite valid, and could perhaps be found cheaply as a used book: H. Johnson, M. Graham: High-Speed Digital Design; a Handbook of Black Magic (see Amazon unfortunately does not have cheap used versions at this time but someone might.
Edit: Altera to the rescue
