Electronics > Microcontrollers
Develop Apps for Embedded Android Networking - Free course
For anyone interested in a free course that looks quite good I stumbled across one starting this week. Jan 13th - 17th. (2014)
January 13 - Day 1: Basic4Android Wireless Digital I/O App
January 14 - Day 2: A Basic4Android USB-Based Digital I/O App
January 15 - Day 3: A Basic4Android USB-Serial-Based Digital I/O App
January 16 - Day 4: Basic4Android Sockets and Digital I/O
January 17 - Day 5: A Basic4Android HTTP Server App
Download files are available now.
My interest is based in using Basic4Android with some Bluetooth serial modules. This course looks ideal. (Hopefully) !
Ok I signed up for this thinking they might have a different take on it (i.e. implementation pattern), since implementing Bluetooth throughout the full Android application life cycle isn't all that straightforward.
But note it is a course on using the "Basic4Android" platform to make simple applications. Not a course on normal I/O programming for Android.
Perhaps I should do a youtube series on Bluetooth with Android for embedded systems.
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