Author Topic: XC6SLX9 XCF04 design  (Read 1980 times)

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Offline asadi.siyavashTopic starter

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XC6SLX9 XCF04 design
« on: May 01, 2014, 09:08:23 pm »
I'm new with xilinx FPGA before this project I designed Altera FPGA's like cyclone II and III without any problem. but now my Spartan 6 design doesn't work. I attached my schematic. when I scan JTAG it said no hardware connected.
I have these questions: the connection of JTAG right? I draw it like "Spartan-6 FPGA Configuration Guide" oscillator doesn't work very well! it has 1volt offset and also it peak to peak voltage is 1 volt?
3.all of FPGA PIN are high! I changed my FPGA but it was high too.
I am really confused please help me it is urgent.
excuse me for my bad english.

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