You need to download the reference manual, it will explain the peripherals such as the FSMC. Read the relevant sections carefully.
Read – I can, understand – thats a different thing... 
First thing to know is that STM32 documentation, as Gaius Iulius Caesar would put it, "est omnis divisa in partes tres" (is all divided in three parts):
- The data sheet: pin assignments on the various packages, electrical characteristics, generic info on the peripherals and their availability on various models
- The reference manual: detailed information on the peripherals, and their register maps.
- The programmer's manual: more or less a 1 to 1 copy of Arm reference, description of generic Arm peripherals.
Siwastaja is correctly pointing you to the reference manual for detailed FSMC info.
Shortly, as mikerj said, that peripheral allows to connect external memories.
The external memory is mapped to Cortex address space, so it can be easily accessed e.g. via a pointer.
To address your display, the FSMC needs to be set up with the appropriate RD and WR lines, a CS, 16 bit of data and a single address line (for the command or data selection).
A regular GPIO pin for the Reset line can be useful, too.
As an example, a routine to set the addressable window and write a pixel, taken from my code to drive a probably
very similar display:
volatile uint16_t *pData = (uint16_t *)0x60020000;
volatile uint16_t *pCmd = (uint16_t *)0x60000000;
inline void WindowLCD( uint16_t xl, uint16_t yl, uint16_t xh, uint16_t yh )
*pCmd = lcd.ILI_SETYADDR;
*pData = yl >> 8;
*pData = yl;
*pData = yh >> 8;
*pData = yh;
*pCmd = lcd.ILI_SETXADDR;
*pData = xl >> 8;
*pData = xl;
*pData = xh >> 8;
*pData = xh;
void Pixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)
if( (x>=lcd.width) || (y>=lcd.height)) return;
WindowLCD( x, y, x, y );
*pData = color;
The FSMC maps to 0x60000000, and I have used A17 (for ease of pin assignment, IIRC) to address command or data registers.
As you can see, once the FSMC is set up, the display can be easily (and efficiently) controlled by your C program.