@turbo. lemme guess. your basic understanding of electronics is very low. I'm not blaming or calling you names. just an observation.
The forum is used to people with a lot more experience so , if you do not explicitly state that you are a 'beginner' ( not a bad word, we were all begineers ) you tend to get answers like the last few.
it is clear that you have little experience with these things.
Microwire is a communication bus. having a chip say it is compatible with the bus means nothing towards the software. each chip has unique instructions. so you cant swap them. besides chips can have different functionality you can have memories, display drivers, relay drivers , radio tuners, all in microwire.
so, in short , only a cop470 can replace a cop470. these chips are very old. nobody made a second source. when National semiconductor spun off their digital stuff to fairchild these chips died. (went out of production)
so you have two options
1) find a few on ebay (there's plenty) , hook em up to display and off you go.
2) make your own. ideal job for some logic. Microwire is nothing but a shift register. fits easily in a small cpld , hook up dsiplay of your choice.
given your lack of electronics skills only 1 is a true option for you.
you could attempt 2 but be prepared for some steep learning curve. it may take multiple months to learn the necessary basics.