Electronics > Microcontrollers

Dual regular simultaneous ADC mode - demo for the stm32F303


Hi, after spending many days with this - with a zero result - let me kindly ask you - do you may share a short complete demo source showing a working dual regular simultaneous ADC mode ?
Like the ADC1 and ADC2 simultaneously (!) sampling two analog inputs triggered internally by a timer 1x per second and printing the 2 results over the USB serial out? Any environment, preferably Arduino with STM32 HAL, printing via Serial.print().. But it should be something which builds straight and prints out the 2 numbers every second such when I touch the pins I would see the noisy numbers..

PS: Warning - do not try to start to dig into it (like to try elaborate)..  :D
 Only if you may have something off the shelf (but working)..


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