Electronics > Microcontrollers

EAGLE library, locking for motorola's one

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hi guys
i'm new about the EAGLE Cad, i recently installed the program and i have been learning it.
for i very tiny project i need these two parts (1) and it seems EAGLE is not provided with.

i have found a very old library for the mc68ez328, but EAGLE says "too old, it is previous v4.4" refusing to import it

so what could you suggest me to do ? to create a library from the scratch ? in case, any suggestion is welcome

- mc68hc11 in PGA52 package
- mc68EZ328 in tqfp100 package

this is the mc68ez328 library i am not able to import

it seems 4 years later

Ah. You must be one of those 'component library part creation-phobes'.

I used to be like you.

Once you start making your own component parts you will never look back. This is probably a good time to start. I know it's not fun but it's part of the process. :)

If you're not on a windows box, try reading the library on one and writing it out in a more modern format.
For some reason, non-windows versions of EAGLE seem to have less legacy format support.

thank you guys

just an other question: is it possible to "grab" a component from a library and to add it to a brand new custom-library ?

if so, how to do it ?

also … is there a library populated ONLY with packages ?


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