Electronics > Microcontrollers

electromagnetic switch question from a novice

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I'm looking for a magnetic pick up switch that is adjustable. a switch that wont close until the pulses reach an adjustable speed threshold. is there such a switch? what is it called? where can I buy one? I apologize for my electronic ignorance.

A quick google shows that Eaton has inductive iProx sensors which are programmable. Sure others might have this too.
They also sell analog sensors, which you can put in an differentiator module or whatever device you can find or build.

Note that some of these inductive sensors have a low refresh rate because of their operating principle.

You could try:

Reed switch -> Frequency to voltage converter -> Comparator

That should give you a frequency controlled magnetic switch as long as you don't exceed the reed switch speed (sometimes up to 1kHz).

you didn't say what country your in, but in most cases you should be able to get away with a cheap inductive sensor and a rev switch module (automotive people want a light to come on when they enter they red line or the ideal gear change point, so these modules are fairly cheap)

I'm from the u.s.  I'm a supervisor of dump truck drivers. A problem that all dump truck drivers have is sooner or later they will leave a job with their dump bed still in the air. they can hit bridge overpasses and high powered lines, it can be serious and costly in lives and dollars. what I would like to do, if possible is take the signal that comes from the tone ring of the anti lock brake system and use it to have an alarm go off in the cab when these 2 conditions are met: the power take off is engaged, the truck is going 5mph or faster. we have a system now that is ran by a limit switch on the frame of the truck that operates a warning light in the cab any time the bed is raised; however, if the driver doesn't notice the light it does no good. we use a light in this system because the constant alarm would be very distracting to the driver. anyway that's why I was wondering if there was such a thing as a switch that could read the tone ring signals and close when the speed increased to more than 5mph that way we could utilize an audio alarm to alert the driver.


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