I received my TI MSP Launchpad rev 1.5 boards from Element14 India and the first thing I did was look around for suitable C compilers. When I discovered that there is a GCC port, I felt it shouldn't be hard to port the Arduino IDE to it. I googled around (my ideas generally turn to be a few years late
so I did not want to reinvent the wheel) and sure enough I found an Arduino IDE clone for the MSP Launchpad called Energia
I have not programmed using Arduino before so no idea how it compares with it. Maybe others who have experience with it can comment on this. I have programmed in Processing (so atleast I know what setup() and loop() do). A simple set of test routines like LED blinking and reading ports seem to be working well. Need to try out with LCD interfacing.
ps: I'm not sure this is news to anyone here, but a search on the forum for Energia did not return any hits.