Hi, I am currently working on a very simple progect in which I need to use a uC. Since it has to be used as a controller for a GPS module and a CAN transreceiver I chose an ATTINY841, which has 2 uarts, or an ATTINY84, with a single uart, so SoftwareSerial will be needed. Well, it is the first time that the semiconductor crisys hits me. These uCs arent available anywhere, and the few i found were sold at something like 13$ each, a clearly unacceptable price. How do you guys deal whit this situation while designing a new circuit? Do you start by what is available? But again, stoks changes very rapidly, so what is available today won't be tomorrow and vice versa. Please let me know what you think.
ps: more reasons why I choose ATTINY84(1): just as many GPIO pins I need, not much memory required (even ATTINY44(1) would be fine), analog comparator with bandgap reference. By the way, do you think it is ok to use the analog comparator as a voltage level controller of a battery? Since it has no hysteresis, when the battery level (properly attenuated) is very close to the reference, won't I just get a noisy output? If this is the case, how do you usually deal with it? Just using the ADC?
Thank you very much.