Electronics > Microcontrollers

Help me dump STM32F103VCT6

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--- Quote from: radiolistener on June 05, 2023, 09:36:35 am ---In any way such memory dump extraction will cost you much more than to pay software engineers to develop a new firmware.  :)

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I've seen numbers like $500-2000 for MCUs like these. Unless firmware is very simple, good luck hiring a software engineer for that.


--- Quote from: wraper on June 05, 2023, 09:50:12 am ---STM32F103 firmware protection can be bypassed by power glitching. So it's not like you necessarily need  advanced equipment.

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hm, this is very interesting. Does STM32F103RCT6 vulnerable for this? Where I can read about it more details?

It will be nice to get original firmware dump from Chinese device, play with it with custom firwmare and then restore original one back to avoid bricked device :)


--- Quote from: radiolistener on June 07, 2023, 01:05:21 am ---It will be nice to get original firmware dump from Chinese device, play with it with custom firwmare and then restore original one back to avoid bricked device :)

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Removing current MCU and soldering in new blank one seems like a much easier way to achieve that.

The F1 series is vulnerable to many different types of attacks.


You can also probe for vulnerabilities in the firmware itself if it uses any type of external input.


--- Quote from: mosafet on June 07, 2023, 03:30:42 am ---You can also probe for vulnerabilities in the firmware itself if it uses any type of external input.

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Have you ever done it?


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