Electronics > Microcontrollers
Help please: PIC12F675 Beginner
Hello good people!
I'm trying to wrap my head around this humble PIC MCU, but there are so many variants and variations on the web :o
Some background: I started learning about MCUs about 2 years ago, with Arduino, then moved on to "independent" AVRs using Atmel Studio, and some forays into MSP430G2. Now I got hold of a PICkit 1 (hey, don't laugh! ;) ) and a couple of cheap PIC12F675s that are supported by it, so I installed MPLAB X w/ XC8, tried to write a Blink program and... nothing.
The process of burning the generated "production" HEX file using the PICkit 1 and its old, dedicated software seems to be working just fine, but I get no response from the MCU itself no matter what code I try. The old programmer isn't recognized by the IDE so I can't debug that way, and I'm still not willing to spend $$ on a modern programmer just for a little experimenting.
Obviously, I searched the web and these forums, but so far I only found code for other PICs, or for other compilers, or other IDEs... so, can someone please provide a working Blink code for my setup, with the correct register initializations? It doesn't even have to be commented, I can take it from there.
Thank you very much in advance!
Try MPLAB instead.
--- Quote from: EdoNork on May 02, 2014, 02:25:15 pm ---Try MPLAB instead.
--- End quote ---
What good reason is there to use less-than-the-latest? If I can make this work, I won't stay forever with just the 675 and the old programmer, so I want to start as up to date as possible.
"The old programmer isn't recognized by the IDE so I can't debug"
Maybe with MPLAB you can try finding the problem.
Could you post your code so we can see if that is the problem?
I would not switch back to the old MPLAB, I think X has a much better UI and it works great for me.
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