I never saw the 4004 as important as Intel wanted it to be.
I am not even sure if Intel was the first microcontroller. The TI Pico calculator chip was probably out a year earlier then the 4004, and the 4004 was probably not used for much other then calculators anyway. The advantage of the 4004 is that it could be run of an Eprom for development, whereas the TI Pico was mask programmable only with no development environment.
Designers at the time usually went for the discreet logic solution rather then the slow and expensive 4004 with 256 bytes of ROM. The 4004 was a multichip solution to do anything serious, and companies like Fairchild had multi-chip CPU's several years before the 4004.
The 8008 was much more important with real cpu features like Interrupts, and the 8080 was the chip that really started the micro revolution.