i'm trying to figure out how to choose a pic, for a couple of future projects of mine, though im not sure how, as i'm pretty new to them
the things i'm looking for on one chip are:
13 or more outputs
PWM capabilities
and the project i want to use it for is a LED array cube, with some animations programmed in
this one may wait untill im more experienced, but i will probably make smaller cubes in the meantime, i figure i need 4 outputs, 4 for each length segment, 4 for height, and 4 for width, and one for PWM , though i could cut it down to needing 9 pins, though it would require using alot more external components
another project is for a small solar powered robot(beambot)
and i hope to use a PIC chip on it
would need 2-6 outputs and low power needs (it would switch on+off alot as power is avaliable)
i've been using to look at parts, and i can look up chips for example with 20 pins and PWM capable that look like they would suit my LED projects, however i can find "suitable" chips for $1.20 and chips that appear just as suitable for $8 or so
for example $1.87
vs $6.50, same amount of pins
so what specifications do i need to actually look at when i buy a chip? are those two chips both suitable for the project, or do i need to look for extra memory or something like that