You need to understand the operation of a shift register and possibly D-type flip flops first. Look online, loads of info.
The MCU sends out a 24 bit wide bitstream to the data line of the first register here. This is shifted inside the register chain with the CLK line signal. When the bitstream has finished being shifted in the registers the Strobe signal is asserted and the bit stream is transfered to the output drivers. The first 11 bits (in this application) will appear at the end, and they will drive the control grids. The remaining 13 bits appear on the left and drive the segments.
To display different numbers at different positions on the display, you need to use persistence of vision (PoV). First prepare the bit stream to address the first digit, then shift it all out and replace it with the bitstream for the next etc. This is inefficient but it will work.
Does this make any sense?