Hello everyone!
I was looking for an ICD5 or a PICKIT5 review but I couldn´t find anything. The thing is I´m considering to get on of those programmers/debuggers but there is a lack of reviews. No one has posted anything about them.
I currently have a ICD3 and i want to get the newer ICD5 but I´m hesitating because of the price. Since I´m just a hobbyst, I´m not quite sure if those $400USD will be well invested (Let´s say the only feature for me, that is wothwhile from the ICD5, is the complex breakpoints function).
Also, these debbugers are getting obsolete faster and more expensive over time. I don´t want to spend that amount of money every 5 years or so.
If any of you guys have one of the newest microchip programmers/dubbugers, could you please share your review?