Personally I can't imagine why anyone would choose a MIPS microcontroller when there is ARM. And having to deal with Microchip's bullshit on top of that? No thanks.
The PIC32 parts are actually not bad. The PIC32MX series compares favorably with the Cortex-M3 and the PIC32MZ compares favorably with the Cortex-M4/M7. They have a free IDE (MPLAB X; based on NetBeans) and a free C compiler (without optimizations; you can pay for optimizations or build it from source). The IDE works well (e.g. better than your average Eclipse-based ARM IDE) and is updated frequently.
The core is based on MIPS32, which is quite a nice architecture. Simpler in many ways than the Cortex-M architecture, but just as capable and fast. The latest iteration, the PIC32MZ runs at 200 MHz and has hardware floating point and DSP instructions. Microchip released it too early and the initial silicon had nasty errata, but most of them have been fixed now and it's no more buggy than your average Cortex-M part. The peripherals are simpler than some of the "kitchen sink" peripherals seen on some Cortex-M parts, but they get the job done and they're implemented in a consistent manner.
For a hobbyist, the biggest Microchip shortcoming is the lack of good, cheap development hardware. The PICKit 3 is relatively cheap at $48, but it's not good (it's slowwwwwwww). The next step up the line is the ICD-3, which is about as fast as an ST-Link/V2, but it's $200.
Overall I like the Cortex-M parts better, but PIC32 is certainly a viable option, especially for someone coming from the 8-bit or 16-bit PIC worlds.