Electronics > Microcontrollers

Is ST Cube IDE a piece of buggy crap?

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It would be a huge hostage to fortune to not do so.

You say so? Linux is that. If the package exist in the apt repo, nice, but if it doesn't or it's outdated you'll have to build yoru own, and you can get into an endless dependency tree nightmare very quickly!
Everything feels like
"I just made my part, how to build, use, dependencies... not my business"
"welcome to OSS... bye!"  :-DD

Well, linux is used only by experts who love to tinker, and if they spend all day to dig out some libs they are happy :)

Windows users just expect to install a program and expect it to work.

There is enough trouble with MS VC++ distributables. This is from the project notes I've been writing as I went along:

System requirements

These are unclear for Cube IDE but current (Aug 2021) CubeMX documentation says win8.1 or higher. It has been determined experimentally that Cube v1.8.0 installs fine on win7-64 SP1 with VC++ 2019 redistributables installed.

Cube 1.5.1 has a compiler version 7.3.1 20180622.
Cube 1.6.1 has a compiler version 9.3.1 20200408.
Cube 1.7.0 is the same as 1.6.1.
Cube 1.8.0 is the same again (no change in compiler or linker)
Cube 1.9.0 has a compiler v10 which does stricter checking of various things
Cube 1.10 is same as 1.9 but crashes more often
Cube 1.12 is as above, and mostly works ok
Cube 1.13.1 has a compiler v11.3.1 20220712

Cube is not a standalone executable, is written in Java, and uses a fantastic amount of resources and runtime libraries. It installs these by itself (the computer does not need Java installed) but it also needs Visual C++ redistributables (v2015 and possibly v2019 for later Cube versions like 1.8.0) and these can be hard to install on a win7 machine especially one which missed out on Microsoft updates just before they stopped doing them for win7. It has been experimentally determined that if you cannot go above VC++ 2013 then the latest Cube which will install is 1.5.1 (which works fine, incidentally).

It is however possible to bring a win7-64 machine fully up to date, using the Simplix route described here:
and then you can download the MS VC++ 2019 x64 redistributable package.

I love to tinker too.  But I love to tinker with what I want.
I don't want to tinker with 400 things before being able to tinker in what I wanted to tinker since the beginning.
It's so tiresome!


--- Quote ---What use would shipping the native part of the [java] run time with the product be?
--- End quote ---
Sort-of like "Why would I need to save old versions of the compiler I used to build my code?"

History has shown that relying that the system-installed version of the Java Runtime be compatible with the runtime used to develop the original Java application is prone to causing non-operation.  I didn't follow the details, so I don't know whether that's because the apps had "bugs" that were called out in later versions of the runtime, or whether the runtime just stopped being backward compatible.  But Arduino, for example, started bundling a "known compatible" JRE quite some time ago, after "bad things happened."


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