Cube IDE is now v15. They changed the compiler etc version, and the generated code changes... gone from 483,332 bytes to 482,308 bytes! So (-Og) 1k less code

Sometimes a new GCC version changes the meaning of compiler/linker command line switches, but not this time, at least not for my project [NOTE at this point I did not test code execution; I just did a Build with ctrl-b]
Well, they broke the STLINK V3 debugger. Cube v15 offers up upgrade the debugger firmware and trashes it.
Encountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.13.2\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
Error in STM32CubeProgrammerand then

Does anyone know what this is? I now have two dead development systems and two dead targets which don't run even if the software is loaded using the ST Utility.
That "missing" ...CLI.exe file
is in the right place, with the correct case too.
Update: downgrading to Cube 1.14.2 runs ok. The STLINK V3 upgraded using the firmware from Cube v1.15.0 also runs ok with Cube 1.14.2, which is just as well!
I am sure that GCC tools v12 break the code in some subtle way. Even loading the software using ST Utility produces a dead target. I will probably not spend much time on this since a) I do not need to just blindly keep upgrading Cube (it's actually a stupid idea to make work for yourself, since every tool update ought to need regression testing of the product) and b) I can't debug the target since the debugger
also does not work with Cube v1.15!